Avoiding Loose Skin Post-Weight Loss
•Weight loss

You’ve put the work in on your weight loss journey, the scales are showing results, you’re feeling better, but you’re noticing some saggy skin. Does this sound like you? If so, know you’re not alone, it’s natural and there are ways to keep it firm!
Break The Stigma
Don’t be ashamed about a little saggy skin, you’ve lost weight, and it’s never easy! Be proud of yourself and celebrate the scale dropping down. It’s absolutely normal and very common for the ladies who lose a significant amount of weight.
While there’s no magic solution in terms of tightening the loose skin without surgery, there are some tips that will help you get rid of the loose skin in the long run.
Science Behind The Sag
As we age, our skin begins to sag anyway. We’re producing less and less collagen which is what our skin needs to stay firm, but when it comes to drastic weight loss, it’s the speed and total kilos you lose that are the main factors.
Skin stretched during weight gain loses its ability to bounce back after weight loss due to our collagen levels depleting. Studies show that losing weight at a slower rate, and at a more sustainable rate (annoying, we know, but stick with us) will give your skin a better chance of keeping up with you.
Everything In Moderation
You’ve surely heard the term ‘everything in moderation’ before, and it does not discriminate! This includes the rate at which you lose weight. The rate of sustainable weight loss is dropping about 0.5-1kg per week. This will help to avoid the dreaded sag as you’re allowing your skin more time to adjust to your leaner frame.
Stay Hydrated
The benefits of water are seemingly endless, and they also apply to avoiding loose skin. Studies have shown that increased water consumption can have a positive effect on normal skin physiology, especially for those that don’t consume enough to begin with. Healthy skin needs water, it promotes firmness and skin elasticity.
Strength Training
Building muscle fills up the space that fat used to occupy, helping your skin maintain a firmer appearance thanks to its improved muscle tone! Ladies, don’t be afraid to hit the weights, they won’t make you bulk up if you’re keeping them light. Read our blog on how to lift weights without gaining too much muscle here.
Remember, never be ashamed you’ve got a little saggy skin. You’ve bettered your health and that’s a win no matter what!