Cheat Meal Mistakes
•Food - general

First off, cheating itself is not a mistake! It can actually benefit your weight loss journey. It makes your diet as a whole more enjoyable and supports long-term results. It’s all about how you cheat.
Having Too Many Cheat Meals
This one is pretty self-explanatory! A cheat meal is typically a higher-calorie, lower-nutrition meal, and they’re totally fine to have once in a while! But having too many cheat meals is going to erase your progress. We recommend one a week to stay on track.
Eating Too Much In A Cheat Meal
It's all about portion control! A lot of people don’t realise just how many calories are in the foods they eat in their cheat meals. This is why we recommend cooking your own cheat meals, so you know exactly what’s going into your body.
If you’re going out for dinner, sure, there might be some healthy options, but restaurants add so much oil, butter and sugar to dishes to make them delicious! Basically, if you tend to eat out a lot, your weight loss mightn’t be sustainable.
Making Your Cheat Meal A Cheat Day
If you’ve stuck to your healthy diet plan throughout the week, you deserve a cheat meal! But don’t let it turn into a cheat day or worse... a cheat weekend. Consistency is key in weight loss and it’s important to reward yourself, but keep in mind, your rewards don’t have to be food-focused! Have a look at our blog here on non-food-related rewards for hitting your milestones
Drinking Too Much Alcohol
Unfortunately, alcohol is just empty calories. Alcoholic drinks are typically high in calories and provide no nutritional value. Excessive alcohol consumption is a sure-fire way to derail your progress. Your body also prioritises metabolising alcohol over burning fat! This means slowing down the fat-burning possess — the opposite of what we want!
So, ladies, have your cheat meal, but we recommend no more than once a week!