How To Join A Mum's Group

If you’re new to motherhood, then first – congratulations! You’re in for a world of exciting adventures and experiencing what’s been hailed as the purest form of love. It’s a beautiful experience, but it can be scary! Mothers can attest that no amount of research or babysitting experience can prepare you for what’s ahead, so it is essential you have support.
Not all mums have the luxury of dedicated family and friends that can offer sound advice, or tips and tricks, so what better way to get support than finding people in the exact same boat – new mums!
Joining a mum’s group is a great way to gain a social network that understand exactly what you’re going through. It can act as a support system with fellow mums who understand the challenges and joys of motherhood, reduce feelings of isolation, and it can be an educational experience. So, aside from asking around, how does one go about joining a mum’s group?
Research Online
Take to the internet and browse for mum’s groups in your area. The website Meetup and local parenting forums often have listing for these kinds of groups! All you have to do is search keywords like “mum’s group”, “parenting group” or more specifically “new mum’s group/club” along with your suburb. More often than not these groups will have online communities where you can speak to fellow mums and join discussions.
Social Media
Platforms like Facebook and Instagram are great tools for connecting with local mum’s groups, just search the keywords into the social media platform of your liking and you’ll find mum’s groups in abundance! You can also search for hashtags on these platforms to see if there are any suited to your specific needs such as breastfeeding support or playgroups.
Start Your Own Group
If you’ve scoured the web and can’t find one to your liking, then why not start your own? Reach out to mums you know, utilise social media or community bulletin boards to advertise your new group and arrange regular meetups, but be clear with your guidelines and goals. Before starting your group, consider this advice:
Determine Purpose: Are there any topics you want to focus on specifically? Any sort of discussions you’d like to avoid? Establish exactly what you’re looking for whether it be general parenting advice, a safe space to vent, tips and tricks or all of the above!
Reach Out To Potential Members: Spread the word about your mum’s group through word-of-mouth, online forums and social media.
Establish Group Guidelines: Establish guidelines and expectations like attendance, participation, confidentiality and respectful communication.
Creative A Supportive Environment: This is the most important step of all! You want to join a mum’s group so you can feel supported, so make sure you’re fostering a supportive, inclusive atmosphere where all members feel heard.
You can also consider a mums walking group — get some fresh air, social connection and exercise all in one! We've got tips on how to join or start a walking group too.
Whatever you decide to do, stay open and engaged to making new friends and sharing experiences. Joining a mum’s group can enhance your parenting journey by providing support, practical advice and you'll probably get a laugh out of all the relatable content.