The Lady Shake
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Easy Wins For A Return To Routine



There’s the hard way, and then there’s the Lady Shake way.

We think that getting back into a healthy routine shouldn’t feel like hard work, involve a massive lifestyle change or take a huge chunk out of your day. Because, let’s face it, we’re busy ladies with big to-do lists and even bigger weight-loss dreams.

Here’s three time-friendly ways to ease back into a routine:

Start the day how you mean to go on

It takes less than five minutes to prep your shake. And it’s super easy to sip while you expertly direct, like a traffic conductor, everybody successfully out the door with two shoes on and a smile in the morning.

Switch up just one thing about your commute

Want to increase your step count but don’t have 45 minutes and the spandex needed for a step class? That’s okay. There’s easier ways to get moving. Why not ride to school with the kids and cut out the need to reverse park? Or get off one stop early and perfect your boss lady stride into work.

Write a weekly shopping list (trust us)

Oh no, don’t eye-roll now. Science is on our side; people who make a weekly shopping list are more less likely to do top-up shops that lead to sweet treats accidentally landing in the basket. So, make a list of healthy meals and feel smug about smartly shopping.

We’ve all fallen off the wagon of a good routine. The most important thing to is to get back onto healthy habits as soon as you’ve remembered you’re only human.