How Does Your Coffee Order Stack Up On The GO!?
•Food - general

Most of us have a go-to coffee order — long black, flat white, hook-it-to-my-veins-I'm-desperate-to-wake-up. Whatever takes your fancy, that morning coffee hit is your best friend in the morning rush.
But what's really in your coffee, and is your current order the best choice to reach your weight loss goals?
Well, we've run the numbers and compared the most popular orders against each other. And we've stacked them up against The Lady Shake GO!, which gives you coffee and brekky in a shake.
Now, the breakdown of cafe coffees listed (below GO!) are based on a small serve (220mL), so if you're ordering a mega, jumbo, monster-size coffee, you'll need to multiply.
What's in The Lady Shake GO!?
It's coffee and breakfast in one!
- 125mg of premium Brazilian coffee, equal to two shots, to kickstart your day.
- Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) to avoid those afternoon energy crashes by keeping you fuller for longer.
- 30g of high-quality whey protein to build muscle and improve your energy levels.
- Probiotics to boost your mood and strengthen your immune system.
- Superfoods to enhance your brain functions and memory, as well as act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Now, let's see how other coffee orders stack up! Remember, these bevvies don't include breakfast, it's just the coffee on it's own.
Flat White
A shot of espresso with two parts steamed milk. 120 calories and 7 grams of fat. Swapping to skim milk will reduce the calories to 70 calories and almost no fat, although some fat may help to keep you full.
A shot of espresso with two parts of frothed milk. Similar nutritional content to a full-fat flat white with 120 calories and 7 grams of fat with just 70 calories and no fat for a small-sized skim milk-based serve. A good source of calcium.
A shot of espresso with 1/3 milk and 1/3 froth, is slightly lower in calories than a latte or flat white with 110 calories and 6 grams of fat with full cream milk but with a slightly lower calcium content than both a latte and flat white as a cappuccino contains slightly less milk.
A shot of coffee with a dash of milk — will contain just 13 or 18 calories depending on whether the milk added is skim or full cream. The risk with this form of coffee is that many will add sugar, which will add 15 calories per teaspoon.
Piccolo Latte
A mini version of a latte with just 45 calories with full cream milk or 25 if you go for skim. A great option for those who enjoy the taste of coffee and who do not need the extra milk and calories.
A latte with an extra shot of chocolate syrup added. It contains significantly more carbohydrates and calories than the average coffee with 160 calories and 6 grams of fat for a full cream version or 100 calories and virtually no fat for the skim milk version.
Soy Latte
A latte made using soy milk instead of dairy milk. Many soy-based coffees are made using full-fat soy milk which can bump up the calories. A small will give you 3 grams of fat and 80 calories.
Chai Latte
While it may appear to be a ‘healthy choice’ the good old chai powder found at many coffee shops is packed with sugar. A small chai will give you 130 calories, 2 grams of fat but an extra 20 grams or 4 teaspoons of sugar.
Long Black
Next to the macchiato, a long black is a favourite for coffee lovers with a shot of espresso slightly diluted with hot water. At 4 calories per serve, minus any milk and sugar, one or two of these will keep both your love of coffee and diet on track.
Bulletproof Coffee
Popular with paleo fans, Bulletproof coffee combines black coffee with butter and a tablespoon of oil and is generally used as part of a dietary regimen that significantly increases your fat intake at the expense of carbs. Offering 50 grams of fat and almost 2000kJ per serve, used as a breakfast option as part of a high-fat dietary regimen would lead to weight gain unless consumed as a part of this very specific diet.
Almond Milk Coffee
Big along the Eastern seaboard, swapping both regular milk and soy for almond is becoming increasingly popular. While almond milk may appear exceptionally low in calories, it is also very low in nutrients including protein and calcium, often contains added oil and sugars, and is generally only a suggested option for individuals unable to tolerate dairy or soy, rather than a better option nutritionally.
So, now you have the facts, which one are you going to choose to start your day right?