Jenny Lost 20kg On The Lady Shake

Hi, I am Jenny, a 66-year-old grandmother who loves life and spending time with family and friends.
Like many women I am on medications or have medical conditions which can make it difficult to lose weight. With the help of The Lady Shake I have managed to lose 20kg despite being on long-term steroids and thyroid replacement along with several other medications.
My journey started back in October 2021 after I ended up in the ICU due to a medical crisis. I have a rare muscle disorder which affects my muscles including those used for swallowing and breathing, so life can be a challenge at times. Amongst other things, a high dose of steroids was added to my already long list of medications. They were necessary but came with lots of unpleasant side effects one of which is potential weight gain.
The doctors said I would probably put on around 20kg. As I was already carrying excess weight I didn’t need anymore, so it was time to make a choice – continue to gain weight or put my stubborn, determined hat on and try to beat the side effects of the steroids.
I had been using every excuse under the sun for the extra weight I had but I knew deep down that my weight gain was from bad eating habits. Things needed to change, but I knew I had to do it slowly if I was to succeed whilst on the steroids.
My first goal was to stabilise my weight and then to hopefully start losing the kilos. Using The Lady Shake products in combination with a diet geared towards avoiding weight gain from steroids/medications I started my journey.
One by one, taking one step at a time, I changed my bad habits into good habits. I focused on foods high in potassium, protein and calcium, low in sodium, sugar and carbs and ate lots of fruit and veggies. Willpower and self-discipline were the key. Even though it was slow progress I wasn’t going to let those steroids beat me. I hit my goal of losing 20 kgs after 2 years.
The Lady Shake is an important part of my diet, particularly when my condition is flaring. I make smoothies which are safe for me to have when my throat muscles are struggling. There is a great range of flavours available, which I combine with fruit and vegetables into smoothies, it gives me lots of variation as well, so I don’t get bored having the same thing every day.
These days I use a combination of the Regular Lady Shakes and the Restore Range of meal replacement shakes to help me maintain my weight loss. I also love the Chocolate Super Greens, Bars and the Mousse.
For exercise I head out early in the morning for either a walk around the neighbourhood or down the pool for an hour or so. I find it the best way to start my day.
Along with all my other medications I am still on steroids, and I will probably have to remain on them for a very long time. I know it is a going to be an ongoing battle for me to keep the weight off, but I also know I need to do it for myself. I have to keep that stubborn, determined hat on top of my head and continue with the good habits.
For all the women who are on medications which may contribute to weight gain. Life can be a real challenge and it can be so tough at times. If you can find a way to minimise some of the negative side effects of medications it can really help make a difference to how you feel.
If I can do this so can you, start your journey today.