Kirsty Lost 80kg On The Lady Shake

We have an update on Kirsty's weight loss journey, but first, let's take a look back at her story.
My name is Kirsty Wardle, I'm 48 years old and I have lost 70kg thanks to The Lady Shake.
I started my journey on the 30th of September 2021. I have been a carer for my daughter and my caring role had taken its toll on my health. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight.
I clocked in at 165.5kg and decided I couldn’t do life like this anymore and want to be around for my family and grandbabies! As I couldn't afford weight loss surgery, a friend gave me a few bags of The Lady Shake to try, and I was sold.
I started on The Lady Shakes on the 30th of September 2021 and started walking 1km a day. As the weight fell off it got easier to walk and eventually, I joined a gym and started Aqua Zumba.
I have completely changed my lifestyle with the help of The Lady Shake, going from a size 28 to a size 14-16. I was pre-diabetic, had high cholesterol and had other health issues which have all disappeared. The program is easy to follow and the shakes taste so good.
I have lost a total of 70kg and would probably like to lose another 5kg but I am absolutely stoked at the results and happy with what I have achieved. Fifteen months down and 48 years old, I am the healthiest I have been and added another 15 years to my life.
I would highly recommend The Lady Shake. I found the shakes easy to drink, the variety of flavours is great as it doesn't get boring, the program is easy to follow, and the support is fabulous. I think the best thing about the shakes was that I was still able to have the things I enjoyed and still eat out. It’s a lifestyle not a diet!
It is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to do but found it much easier with the help of The Lady Shake. Thank you for helping in my journey.
Originally I had lost 70kg, now I am 80kg down!
I am driven by the opportunity to be able to mentor, guide and support others. I am an Ambassador for The Lady Shake, giving support to the other ladies that are or were in my predicament and to hopefully love and support them to make the same lifestyle changes.
When I started I was doing the rapid program and surprisingly it was easy. Two shakes, two snacks, a healthy dinner, and two litres of water – that’s it, I didn’t have to think about what I was eating!
I also think having support is a super huge part of the journey. Being part of The Lady Shake Facebook group is really helpful in keeping me on track, allowing me to share my progress and my struggles, and asking questions that I thought were a little crazy, but not so crazy to someone else who is thinking the same thing.
I love belonging to The Lady Shake Community! I am your next-door neighbour, someone who is in the community, just a mum and nanny changing my life one day a time. I hope that I can continue to be a positive influence and role model for The Lady Shake community.
I love the shakes but I also love the gummies and the raspberry flavour is my favourite. I also love the Super Greens. They're delicious - like a hot chocolate without the guilt, or throw a scoop in your shake to get a boost of veggies!
I am still a stickler for routine as I love being prepared but I do love the flexibility of the shakes and the program, it’s helped me to continue my journey on the maintenance phase.
I think my favourite Lady Shake flavour is still the Cookies and Cream but I love the special edition flavours Mango, Passionfruit Ice Cream and Choc Peanut.
I also love the Buy 3 Get One Free deals with free postage with AfterPay for convenience which makes it even easier.
My life has completely changed. I don’t know how I was even living or surviving. I am no longer pre-diabetic, I am able to walk without pain, and I am healthy. I’m almost 50 this year and the healthiest I have ever been in my life.
I started a bucket list last year and have been slowly crossing things off my under-100 list — everything I couldn’t do when I was over 100kg. I have been parasailing, hiking, kayaking and climbed the Story Bridge in Brisbane, and hopefully crossing a few more things off this year!

My journey is only beginning and I hope to be able to share my experiences and knowledge of the last almost three years on this life changing journey I am on!
Bring it on!