Renee lost over 18kg with The Lady Shake

I’m 39, originally from Tasmania, now loving Townsville Qld. I’ve lost 18.2kg since starting the shake at the start of January 2020 (to now - July 2020)

After having 3 children, a hysterectomy (2018) and mental health break down and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (2019) caused by an unhealthy marriage, I had gained over 25kg and had no motivation to lose it. The bad food was my comfort and I hated exercise.
I went to Bali as a celebration for getting through my separation and improving my mental health with my niece. When I came back and looked at all of my amazing photos I knew I couldn’t keep looking like this and truly be happy. I had to do something FOR ME.
When I first tried to lose the weight a few years back I tried the HCG protocol and found it was too drastic and I needed something more sustainable. My dad had success on The Man Shake, so I did some research and found it was the best option for my lifestyle. This was one simple thing I could change without a major impact on my lifestyle and my hate for exercise and traditional weight loss programs.
The biggest roadblock was taking the first step. I first joined The Lady Shake closed Facebook group and away I went!
Since starting The Lay Shake I feel amazing! I am so much more confident, and happier. Truly happy. I’m glad to finally exercise and push myself, knowing I can succeed. My clothes have changed, I can happily shop for clothing and look good. My mental health has improved and I no longer have seizures. The most important thing though, I’m a great role model for my kids. My 16yo has started exercising on her own and setting her own goals without anyone pushing her. My lifestyle and diet have completely changed. I get out there and enjoy life.
The Lady Shake is the biggest step to your future self. If you are reading this and thinking about starting, I'd say - make the first move! There will be bumps along the way, but you just keep getting back on track. Drink loads of water, join the Lady Shake community and celebrate the small goals along the way. You are amazing and deserve all that life has to offer.