Sarah lost 21kg!

I am Sarah, I'm 39 from Newcastle and 21kg so far (in 12 weeks).

I did use to suffer from digestive/IBS issues most probably caused by poor diet, just making poor choices regarding what I was eating, when I was eating and what was the easiest option because of being so busy. I also would drink large amounts daily of coke which was a huge factor in why I got so overweight. Now I only drink water. I decided I was getting too lazy and compliant in my daily lifestyle and I just decided to give it a go and see how I went. On the same day I choose to stop cold turkey drinking coke and haven't drunk it in 4 months.
I found out about The Lady Shake from a Tv ad and I use to work with Angela who had great success in losing over 60kg as well! I also googled weight loss shakes to compare and The lady shake was in the top 3.
Over the years I had tried other shakes (only lasting a few weeks), but The Lady Shake seemed right for me.
Since losing weight everything has changed in my lifestyle and in a good way. The first 6-8 weeks was just about retraining myself in how I conducted my day to incorporate exercising as I lead a very busy life with working full time and running my daughter to school, work and activities etc. I use to sleep in late on weekends and waste half the morning whereas now I'm awake naturally at 5 am every day and I get up and go on my morning walk for 45mins and when I get home I still have plenty of time to do housework, catch up on a task I need to complete, plan my day, prepare food etc. I actually find if I can't get out and go for a walk (if it's raining for example) I get frustrated as it's not just for me to lose weight, being out in the fresh air is so good for my soul and that time is just for me to relax. I walk twice a day and most evenings I have friends tag along which is so great because it's supportive and also fun.
The biggest thing I have realised is for so many years and as any mum and wife/partner does, everything else is put first and we put ourselves last but now I get to put myself first, my health first and a positive lifestyle first which then has a positive flow-on effect onto the family as they can see the results and show great support and encouragement because they can see me happy. My biggest roadblock was time being that I work 2 jobs. My partner is a truck driver and works big long hours 6 days a week so I do the everyday life responsibilities with our child, housework etc. To overcome just stop making excuses and made more time, get up early, get out and exercise, time manage better. And all of this with Greg's support and encouragement each week on how he could see the effort I was putting in and how it was giving good results - Greg himself has lost 18kg as well which is bloody fantastic!
I have so much energy now, I am not making excuses, I'm more organised, I'm so much healthier and the best bit I'm happier within myself and how my body is starting to look and taking more pride in how I dress and putting more effort in.
If you are thinking about it - Just do it! It's not hard and it's all about mindset to me and accountability. Nobody is going to make you do it or tell you what to do, you yourself have to be the one that pushes yourself. The shakes are the easy bit, they are yum, they fill you up and make you feel great. You have got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sure you might have an off day but that's ok, just reset and start again the next day!

I did use to suffer from digestive/IBS issues most probably caused by poor diet, just making poor choices regarding what I was eating, when I was eating and what was the easiest option because of being so busy. I also would drink large amounts daily of coke which was a huge factor in why I got so overweight. Now I only drink water. I decided I was getting too lazy and compliant in my daily lifestyle and I just decided to give it a go and see how I went. On the same day I choose to stop cold turkey drinking coke and haven't drunk it in 4 months.
I found out about The Lady Shake from a Tv ad and I use to work with Angela who had great success in losing over 60kg as well! I also googled weight loss shakes to compare and The lady shake was in the top 3.
Over the years I had tried other shakes (only lasting a few weeks), but The Lady Shake seemed right for me.
Since losing weight everything has changed in my lifestyle and in a good way. The first 6-8 weeks was just about retraining myself in how I conducted my day to incorporate exercising as I lead a very busy life with working full time and running my daughter to school, work and activities etc. I use to sleep in late on weekends and waste half the morning whereas now I'm awake naturally at 5 am every day and I get up and go on my morning walk for 45mins and when I get home I still have plenty of time to do housework, catch up on a task I need to complete, plan my day, prepare food etc. I actually find if I can't get out and go for a walk (if it's raining for example) I get frustrated as it's not just for me to lose weight, being out in the fresh air is so good for my soul and that time is just for me to relax. I walk twice a day and most evenings I have friends tag along which is so great because it's supportive and also fun.
The biggest thing I have realised is for so many years and as any mum and wife/partner does, everything else is put first and we put ourselves last but now I get to put myself first, my health first and a positive lifestyle first which then has a positive flow-on effect onto the family as they can see the results and show great support and encouragement because they can see me happy. My biggest roadblock was time being that I work 2 jobs. My partner is a truck driver and works big long hours 6 days a week so I do the everyday life responsibilities with our child, housework etc. To overcome just stop making excuses and made more time, get up early, get out and exercise, time manage better. And all of this with Greg's support and encouragement each week on how he could see the effort I was putting in and how it was giving good results - Greg himself has lost 18kg as well which is bloody fantastic!
I have so much energy now, I am not making excuses, I'm more organised, I'm so much healthier and the best bit I'm happier within myself and how my body is starting to look and taking more pride in how I dress and putting more effort in.
If you are thinking about it - Just do it! It's not hard and it's all about mindset to me and accountability. Nobody is going to make you do it or tell you what to do, you yourself have to be the one that pushes yourself. The shakes are the easy bit, they are yum, they fill you up and make you feel great. You have got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sure you might have an off day but that's ok, just reset and start again the next day!