Advice from The Lady Shake
Our mission is to help women lose weight, feel great, and be the best version of themselves. We’ve pulled together articles and expert advice to help you on your journey. From how to use the product, to healthy food swaps, we’ve got you.

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

Do I Need A Multivitamin During Pregnancy?

How Menopause Affects Cholesterol

Healthy Popcorn Seasonings You Can Make At Home

At-Home Substitutes For Gym Equipment

Netflix Can Help You Get Fit In Your Loungeroom

How To Join A Mum's Group

Finding Time To Exercise With A Newborn

Regaining Core Strength Postpartum

Here's How Many Calories You Burn While Cleaning

Mindful Eating vs Intuitive Eating

The Ultimate Micronutrients Guide

Thermogenesis Explained

Breakfast Spreads: How Do They Compare?

Battle of the Spreads: Margarine vs Butter and Alternatives

Comparing Cooking Oils: Which Is Best For Your Health?

Cravings: What They Mean & What To Eat

Sick Of Water? Try These Healthy Drink Alternatives

Can You Speed Up Weight Loss Results?

How Your Metabolism Changes Throughout Life