Advice from The Lady Shake
Our mission is to help women lose weight, feel great, and be the best version of themselves. We’ve pulled together articles and expert advice to help you on your journey. From how to use the product, to healthy food swaps, we’ve got you.

Sarah Wilson: How diet and exercise can improve mental health

Top 5 Healthy Foods For A Healthy Heart

5 Foods you thought were healthy But are NOT!

Danger Zones For Weight Gain

The Mark Hughes Foundation Feel Good Pack!

Kickstart Your Fat Loss By Eating More Of This!

Good Carbs vs Bad Carbs

Want to lose weight? No idea where to start?

Not A Fan Of Veggies? Problem Solved!

How To Set Your Goals And Succeed.

The ugly truth about cereal.

Fruit Juice Is Just as Unhealthy as a Sugary Drink!

What Can I Drink and Still Lose Weight?

Make Healthy Healthy - Petition to Keep Brands Accountable on Labelling

Win a Camilla Kaftan!

Sophie Falkiner talks to Adam MacDougall about her health and fitness regimen
5 Ways to Workout as a Couple (Without Going to the Gym)

How to use the Lady Shaker

7 Diet-Friendly Snacks That Will Actually Keep You Full

5 Foods that are making you fat and you eat them everyday!